Biography of Arthur Slade (1 page)

Essay by JordanjordanJunior High, 8th gradeA, June 2004

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Arthur Slade

Who truly cares about having a dental plan? Well, Arthur Slade, a well known writer, was one of those people who truly cared, for it seemed his lifelong dream was to have a dental plan. Growing up on a ranch in the Cypress Hills, Arthur was not one of your typical farm boys even though he still learned to ride a horse, drive a tractor and throw bales. Shockingly, he loved to spend his free time at the library reading books and gathering knowledge for later down the road.

On December 12th, 1980, when Arthur was only 13, one of his closest brothers, David, died instantly in a car crash after his car slid off the road. This event truly changed Arthur's life, for it would affect his writing style and optimistic perspective on life. By the time Arthur had graduated from high school, he had already written his first novel, yet no publishers showed any interest to publish it.

So, he wrote another, and another. And still, there was no interest in publishing his novels! After much rejection, he got involved in the radio advertising business writing "jingles". Unfortunately he quit his job five years later because he was too jingled out. Arthur's seventh novel, Draugr, would turn out to be a success and would launch his career as a writer. His contract with a publisher was a turning point in Arthur's career, for it strengthened him just like the death of his brother. This rising novelist would continue to write extraordinary literature such as a Biography of John Diefenbaker, a frightening novel, Dust, and an exciting thriller called Tribes. There has been no stopping Arthur Slade's creative writing which will continue to leave us in awe for many years to come.