Bipolar Disorder

Essay by asiabreannCollege, UndergraduateA+, November 2014

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Bipolar Disorder Dukes PAGE 3

Asia Dukes

David Kump


DATE \@ "MMMM d, y" October 23, 2014

Bipolar Disorder

Mood swings are considered a norm in teenagers and especially women. It is because mood swings are so common among these populations that Bipolar Disorder has been downplayed and under acknowledged for so long. Bipolar Disorder is a severe mood disorder. A diagnosis for Bipolar Disorder is made based upon the presence of mood swings. Mood swings is equivalent to periods of mania. Manic is a severe mood swing. Hypo-mania is a mild mood swing. Mania is described by irritability, agitation, restlessness, depression, and denoted by the amount of energy exerted. Typically the age of onset for bipolar disorder is late adolescents or early adulthood, however it can be triggered at any age. There are may risk factors that increase the chances of developing bipolar disorder outside of genetics including but not limited to; substance abuse, being young and major life changes.

Comorbidity is the presence of one or more disorders in addition to the primary disorder. There is comorbidity between bipolar disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder.


Bipolar I :

At least one weeklong manic episode

Most recent episode may be manic, hypomanic, or depressed

Mixed or Depressive Episodes


Decreased need for sleep


Increased involvement in high risk activities

Increase in Goal directed

Bipolar II:

One major Depressive Episode

One hypomanic episode

No history of Mania

Most recent episode may be hypomanic or depressed

The episode is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning


Decreased need for sleep


Bipolar I has a lifetime prevalence of 0.4 to 1.0 percent.

It is no more common in males than females.

Bipolar II has a higher lifetime prevalence of 0.6...