Blindly Opposing the Facts: A study of the ill effects of absolutism from the Left and Right wing parties.

Essay by AKAaronHigh School, 12th gradeA+, April 2004

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Since the foundation of the two-party system and the emergence of "Left" and "Right" ideologies in 1786, the two camps have always been opposed to each other's principles - partisanship is a key part of our government's system of checks and balances. The problem with partisanship is that assumes both parties' members have enough mind to at least hear out the other party or camp. As of late a number of issues in our country have warranted the presence of protesters. Everything from the recent war, to Bush, and even regarding old battles such as abortion, protesters have been out shouting and waving signs convinced they can convince their opponents that their beliefs should take precedence. Using the term 'protesters' in this essay, the reference should be placed on sign-wavers, marchers, and the shouting masses, obviously the diversity of the topics means this essay is referring to protestors of both wing's ideologies.

But what exactly has warranted this sudden surge of protests within the United States? This question can easily be answered by following this phenomenon's root causes to the source. From the protestor's emotional arguments and the party's absolute ideologies stems a wall of opposition which logic, facts, and reasoning often cannot penetrate - this wall is called blind opposition.

First off, to really write a paper about the increased number of protesters some generalities will have to be made in an attempt to bring some sort of order to the diversity of the activist's grounds. That being said, we can see that a commonality among nearly all protestors is their emotional approach to solving problems. Rather than attempting to promote change through the use of pre-established systems, a protesters aims to disrupt the daily flow of their target in an effort to destabilize and destroy that institution, policy,