Body Piercing/Tattoos

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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"Tattooing and body piercing are popular among young people today." There are many answers to this statement. Some believe that tattooing and body piercing is a form of self-mutilation. Many believe it's a form of expressing yourself. Finally Most believe that it's a form of rebellion, particularly against your parents.

Many believe it's a form of expressing yourself. Expression: The outward manifestation of a mood or a disposition: My tears are an expression of my grief. There's no particular why to define expression. The need to "express yourself" is more deeply rooted than it appears. For some, it's a escape goat word. Similar to the phase "I was drunk." People often use this a cough out. So when peers ask "why'd they do that?" to other peers. They reply "I was drunk" and that would suddenly make whatever they did, "ok." So when a peer asks "why'd they get that piercing/tattoo, They can simply reply "to express yourself" than suddenly, it's "ok."

Some believe that tattooing and body piercing is a form of self-mutilation. Many people into Body piercing/Tattooing have come out of abusive childhoods. In the literal sense, all Body Piercing/tattooing could be seen as self-mutilation and, in some cases, it probably is. However, This is not the case for most people. It could be that people who come out of intense, abusive backgrounds are just less intimidated about pain. My friend was in an abusive home for about four years. He/She was adopted finally, and placed in a better home. Even though He/She was placed in an non-abusive environment, he/she still had a longing to get a piercing. When he/she was 13, he/she pierced his/her own belly button. His/Her mom soon found out and made him/her take it out and let it heal. When he/she was 16, he/she...