There are over 700 muscles in the human body and they are identified in large groups. The muscles groups in the head and neck are the suboccipital, prevertebral, anterolateral neck, superficial neck, anterior neck, epicranial, muscles of facial expression, muscles of mastication, extraocular and laryngeal. Each of the muscles have a beginning point, the origin and an ending, the insertion. For example, in the suboccipital group, there is the obliquus capitis inferior that originates at the spinous process axis and its insertion is in the transverse process of atlas. In the trunk, front and back are the superficial back, pectoral, shoulder girdle, splenius, erector spinae, transversospinal and segmental. Next are the brachium, antibrachial flexors,antibrachial extensors, and the hand and wrist musculature. In the hand musculature has the abductor policis brevis originates at the distal border of flexor reinaculum and trapezium and the insertion is at the lateral aspect of base of proximal phalanx of the thumb.
The muscle groups in the area of the thigh, leg and foot are gluteal, posterior thigh, adductor thigh, anterior thigh, posterior leg, anterolateral leg and foot musculature. In the gluteal musculature has the tensor fascia lata that originates at the anterior aspect of iliac crest and the anterior superior iliac spine with the insertion at the anterior aspect of IT band below the greater trochanter. The gluteus maximus starts at the outer rim of ilium, dorsal surface of sacrum and coccyx and sacrotberous ligament with the primary insertion at the IT band and the gluteal tuberosity of femur.
Understanding the origins and insertions of the muscles helps to predict their actions. In some muscles there are fibers that course in a straight line from origin to insertion in every position of the joint joining the middle surface of origin with the middle of the...
why is the title "bones in the human body"? It was mainly about muscles. Besides, i did not find this essay very useful because you already have to know quite a lot biology to understand it and if you know quite a lot biology you probably already know this because you will find even more and better information just searching in Wikipedia.
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