Boogie and me

Essay by orleansckElementary School, 4th grade May 2004

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(500 miles walkies)

The day was like all other days. Our journey wasn't so long only one month. Three weeks is out. And I can't remember that we done something interesting, all those weeks we spend walking around the coast of Cornwall. It's very nice place for one week after that you think "o my God, how is possible to live with out that? ". After one more week you think that you hate it, because day by day nothing changes. Again water, which you can't drink, rocks, wind and sometimes sun. As you see I am kind of pessimist. But my dog is full contrast to me.

He loves life (well, me too) he is not so tied, like I am. And maybe he doesn't has that feeling that we all the time come back to the same place as we were all 3 weeks.

This month was "month of beachcombing".

I don' know how about you, but I really enjoy it. The best thing in it is that you never know what are you going to find. Most of what I was finding was plastic bottles. After sand combing we usually played boogies favorite game - don't blink to sun. 56 Walking throughout Cornwall I noticed that it was just a place for picnickers. Like every place were was pupil of 20th century you can find: bottles, plates, rubbish sometimes alcohol, so everything.

The day we passed through Falmouth, which was last village, was Portloe. Charming- I wrote that in a first half of the day and after added - charming city, with repulsive people. 30 I was really tired and I wanted to eat, but " No, we don't have anything to eat!" -Women clasped her hands and shook her head. I tried to explain...