Brave New World by Aldous Huxley: Creativity vs Technology. Promot: make a good case for distortion as distinct from literary realism and explain how it contributes to the effectiveness of the work

Essay by chickenbob2002High School, 12th gradeA, March 2004

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In the dystopian novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley presents a horrifying view of a future in which society has become imprisoned by the very technology it believed would bring freedom. Huxley's distortion of technology, religion, and family values in Brave New World is far more persuading than his use of literary realism in depicting the savage reservation. Through distortion, Huxley is able to make his arguments more effectively, and cause speculation over whether or not what a person wishes for is actually what they truly desire.

Huxley effectively uses distortion in Brave New World through his depiction of social values of the future. When Barnard Marx hears somebody talking about Lenina "as though she were a bit of meat," he becomes upset (45). Leaving the building, both the Assistant Predestinator and Henry Foster recommend soma for his bad mood. Their reaction shows that drug use is becoming an increasingly acceptable way out for a weak society.

The depiction of drug use shows that society is becoming emotionally incapable of dealing with pain and hurt. Furthermore, while speaking with the director of the London Hatchery, the students are disgusted and outraged when told that at one time people were viviparous. Huxley is trying to warn society that its lack of commitment and endurance will eventually be its downfall. The emotional ties between parents and children are severed due to the non-existence of mothers and fathers. An emotionless society feels no guilt, and if one feels no personal guilt, society as a whole will feel no guilt if it lets itself be destroyed. In addition, Lenina, when accused of lack of promiscuity by Fanny, fervently denies it. Lenina denies this because Monogamy requires commitment, pain, and work, all of which oppose the stability of her society. Huxley is distorting the problems...