The Breakdown of Women in Combat Situations.

Essay by CryoKillSwitch May 2003

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Back in the Dark Ages, before feminism and egalitarianism enlightened us, conservatives used to claim that women just aren't suited for life in the military. Today, after a decade or so of applying enlightenment to the profession of arms, the Clinton administration is telling us that the military just isn't suited for women. However you phrase it, it comes out to the same thing.

So perplexing have been the problems of sexually integrating the armed forces that the Department of the Army has sought out the counsel of various eggheads and womanologists to help repair the damage that dogmas of sexual equality have already inflicted. One such expert is a lady named Madeline Morris, a law professor at Duke University and a consultant to the department, who relieves herself of her advice to the army in an article in the current Duke University Law Journal.

The article, titled "By Force of Arms: Rape, War and Military Culture," says the army has to change.

The army, you see, is "masculinist," a term not found in any dictionary yet but apparently meaning too male-oriented. Being too male-oriented has to go, according to Professor Morris, because it only contributes to discrimination against women and sexual harassment in the military.

"There is much to be gained," Professor Morris instructs us, "and little to be lost by changing this aspect of military culture from a masculinist vision of unalloyed aggressivity to an ungendered vision combining aggressivity with compassion." It might be useful if Professor Morris would use some real words instead of simply making them up as she goes. "Aggressivity," presumably, means "aggressiveness."

Whatever her words mean, however, you get the distinct impression that Professor Morris doesn't much care for the army as it presently operates. "There is substantial evidence ... of themes of hypermasculinity,