Bridging The Gap Of The Digital Divide

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's August 2001

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Social Psychology Current Events on psychology 10 / 17 / 01 Bridging The Gap of The Digital Divide: Modern Prejudice and Pro social This articles addressed a speech that President Clinton gave while in command, concerning the fact that social minorities living in rural areas are falling behind on the technological revolution of the last couple of years. In this speech he discussed his plan of action, to bring up to date this social groups with the use of technical tools that will ensure their survival in tomorrow's competitive world. Such as, computer education as well as access to the inter-net in social gatherings or community centers. This social policy is linked to different motivational factors endorsed by the President, factors such as egoism, altruism, collectivism and principlism, which begin to state an indirect compensation to the activist or the person performing this policy, in this case the President.

The article covers very briefly the previous terms, explaining how they could be seen as motivational factors in this particular case.

Egoism is define as helping others for some sort of personal gain, while in this case, the President states his policy for better public approval and good recognition to his favor. Another possible motivation, such as altruism, is when a person unselfishly helps some one in need, inciting that President's motivation is simply to help social groups in need. Another possible motivational factor is collectivism, which is defined as helping others for the benefit of a common group. Referring to how this policy will help minorities and social groups familiarize with the inter-net as a consumer's tool, while supplying a slight boost in the economy. The last motivational factor will be principilism, which states the fact of helping others to uphold a moral principle. defining that by the means of...