British east india company, history of complete with ten sources. all recorded and properly quoted

Essay by wamsley88College, UndergraduateB+, February 2004

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The dream and voyage of India came to Britain's interest in the early 17th century, Portuguese sailors and merchants proclaimed that they had discovered a new and foreign land. The idea of an expedition to India was encouraged by England's booming economy that was continually spending money on new items and luxuries. Because of the industrial revolution, a change occurred that allowed a lot of people to make more money than they had before. This extra income could now be spent on various luxuries that had not been available before. All of the sudden Britain had profit, citizens were making more money and the birth of luxurious living appealed to a greater amount of the population than ever before. Having the basic necessities paid for was the struggle that the majority of British citizens had struggled with before. Now that excess money was coming in, partly because of more factory jobs available due to the industrial revolution, a market was needed to accommodate citizens' extra wants to be fulfilled.

An industry that offered more than just simple clothing, basic food and plain housing was in dire need. It was through this need that spurred the growth of the British journey to India.

"The East India Company, perhaps more than any other contemporary commercial organization, was at once a manifestation of and casual force behind the changes that were taking place in the structure of England's overseas trade." London served to be the focal point of Britain's trade supremacy. Portuguese and Spanish sailors would look for work there by simply hanging out in taverns by various ports waiting to jump ship with anybody that needed a hand. London worked like a network that shared vast amounts of ideas and knowledge. Through this center of communication, ideas were quick to pass and...