About burger king

Essay by zekzarinUniversity, Master'sA, October 2013

download word file, 5 pages 0.0




Please answer the following questions about your company or a company of your choice.

Chapter 1 of Thompson, Strickland and Gamble, or any other book on strategic management is a good point of reference.

The questions are:

Where is your company now? - Where, in your opinion, are your company as compared to your competitors (weak, average, strong); financially sound?; problems/challenges that need to be addressed?

Where does your company want to be? - referring to the long-term objectives (2 or more years in the future); any KPIs/BSC that provide the direction.

How is your company going to get there? Identify your competitive advantage/ key success factors in the industry, etc.

Q1 and Q2 allow you to conduct gap analysis while Q3 refer to the strategy (ies).

Q3 also addresses your company's initiatives to stay competitive and action plan to run its business. You may relate to your company's business model, i.e

how your company intent to generate adequate revenues.

Please come with a 2-3 pages of write-up and submit to me after your class presentation.

Where is your company now?

Burger King Holdings, inc. was been founded in 1953. Burger King is the world's number 2 hamburger chains after McDonalds. By the early 2000s Burger King is a little left behind. Years of under-investment left it struggling in its rival's shadow by the early 2000s. Although a lot of consumers agree that it meals taste better than McDonald ones but it doesn't have the excellent perception created the administrative power and the aggressive marketing of his main by concurrent.

It was freed in 2002 from Diageo the number one in wine and spirit drinks, which owned it since 1997, after a merger with Guinness. Although owned by Texas Pacific Group for US$2.26...