California: The Dividing Issue of Illegal Immigration

Essay by srmg24University, Bachelor's September 2010

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Sena Gonchoroff

Professor Reeves

English 205

8 May 2008

Every Vote Counts

The ability to vote is one of the most cherished of our constitutional rights. It is the right to vote that people have marched for, fought for, and even died for over the centuries. Being able to vote enables someone to express their opinion as to the competence of our elected leaders and their policies. By voting you are determining, to a certain degree, your own future by electing officials who reflect your views and will speak for you in government. But by not voting, one is giving up their right to influence government and allowing the will of others, whose opinions may be contrary to your own to prevail. In addition, by not voting one is allowing it to be no longer the will of the majority that governs this country, but rather the minority.

Most people would agree that voting is imperative.

If Americans were stripped their right to vote, the public outcry would be such that it would break the foundation of our country. People would riot, there would be war and complete chaos. The true matter at hand is that roughly fifty (50) percent of eligible citizens able to vote choose not to.

Voting is the most elementary act of the democratic citizen. Democratic societies' underpinning is dependent of voting, which is the single act that separates our country's democracy from an oppressive dictatorship, such as Iraq. Americans have the right to choose between two parties who represent differing opinions and contrasting viewpoints. Americans develop attitudes and form opinions that allow them to get along with society. These beliefs affect the political views they hold later in life. This is a result of the phenomenon known as political socialization. "The strongest socializing agent in...