Capital Punishment

Essay by Angel80University, Bachelor'sB, July 2004

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Capital Punishment

In the past, people have invariably felt that if they had been wronged in some way, it was their right to take vengeance on the person who had wronged them. This mentality still exists, even today, but in a lesser form because the law has now outlined the rights of criminals and developed punishments that conform to those rights, yet allow for retribution. However, a growing number of the general public often says that those laws and punishments are too lax, and criminals of today take advantage of them. For example, organized crime, knowing very well that the punishments for their crimes whether murder, theft, or any other criminal activity, will be so negligible that the crimes may be well worth their risk. To punish those criminals, especially murderers and rapes, Capital Punishment would be the only fair "trade" for that what they did to those innocent people.

How many persons have to suffer of die till the government realizes that the abolition of Capital Punishment was a big mistake?

In the distant past, the numbers of crimes that were subjected to capital punishment, defined simply as the death penalty, were very high. Amendments to criminal law have been made to reflect the changes in the society's views on the morality of capital punishment. The changes in 1833 resulted in the narrowing of the list of one hundred capital crimes to twelve, punishable by the death penalty, and in 1869 the number was cut down yet again to just three: treason, rape, and murder because of violent nature of these crimes. These crimes, even today, are still viewed as violent and should be punished with the highest degree of discipline available to achieve justice.

After much public pressure, capital punishment was suspended, on a trial basis, in...