A Case for Internet Advertising

Essay by danmenkeUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, September 2008

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As companies strive to use the internet to reach customers in a global market, online advertising has become a popular way for firms to reach their audience. Online advertising is the most dynamic, inexpensive, and easiest way to reach a target market. It is less costly than print publication; it is more targeted than television or radio broadcasts, and has more availability than place-based media. Online advertising can provide a unique dynamic of scalability, desirable demographics, cost-effectiveness, and unmatched tracking capabilities. While some people get annoyed with the persistence of pop-up ads, flamboyant blinking banners and always irritating spam e-mail, the dirty truth is that these techniques are functional ways of delivering a message to the consumer. With more and more people logging on to the internet worldwide the more people web advertising will reach.

The benefits of online advertising far exceed that of traditional print publication through costs, availability, wider consumer markets, and the potential for increased profit margins.

Considering that traditional print methods and distribution are tried and true, the technological trends of the internet surpass it at each level of the marketing process. To better understand the differences, some clarity in the two advertising mediums must be identified. Traditional print advertising is composed mostly of brochures, pamphlets, newspaper advertisements, and business cards. In print publication hefty expenses are incurred through printing fees, storage facilities to house boxes and bundles of material, the distribution costs, costs of labor to compile the marketing material, transportation to deliver the quantities of print material, and of course, the postage itself. The cost of sending just one promotion or campaign for "fifteen-percent off, this week only," can become astronomical. In contrast Internet advertising uses no raw materials. They are developed, delivered and received virtually on a web page or an electronic storefront...