About Cetral Asian Politics

Essay by aucaUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, December 2003

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Formation of the Soviet rule in Central Asia gave a birth to the process of Sovietization of Central Asian countries. "Sovietization" played a significant role in the life of Central Asia. It greatly influenced Central Asian states in many ways - politically, economically, culturally, etc. Of course, Sovietization made very beneficial changes in Central Asia and its further development, but it also had its own disadvantages as well. Let us take one branch of Sovietization - "Cultural Sovietization", look at it closely, and find out what kind of benefits and detriments it brought to Central Asian people and their culture.

Soviet government started Cultural Revolution in order to make all the newly affiliated states to be sovietized or russified. One of the main aspects of Cultural Revolution was - adopting a new alphabet. "Old Arabic alphabet was unattainable and hard to learn for many people."

Comparing to Arabic alphabet, Latin was more accessible and much easier to learn. "Replacement of Arabic alphabet to Latin gave an opportunity for all the Turk-Tatar people to join the proletarian culture." "Unified alphabet made working mass of the Soviet Union closer to each other" Aspiration for learning Latin was great, which promoted to the increase of the rate of literacy. "From the population of twenty eight million people, after bringing up the new alphabet, more than three million people were literate, which makes ten percent of the whole population. During Arabic alphabet, only one to three percent of the population was literate."

The Soviet Union consisted of many different states with many different languages; therefore people strongly needed one common language to be able to communicate with each other. Since Russia was the dominant country in USSR, we do not have to guess which language was going to be...