Changing Nature Of War

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Through the 20th century international relations have played a significant role in determining the likely success and failure of nations. World domination and the struggle for power, along with many diplomatic disputes and armed conflict is a result of different ideological views and national interests.

Many countries have resorted to armed conflict in the past as a result to this concept ideology and national interest, and have incurred many losses in lives, and economies have been devastated. On the other hand there are victories to be claimed by the winning sides. This essay will be comparing the differences and similarities between a Cold War and post Cold War conflict.

The Cold War (1945-1991) is a good example of the struggle for world domination and power as tensions between the US and the USSR were tremendously out of control as each nation was determined to be victorious and have influence over the world.

The Cold War was predominantly caused by the totally different ideological views of the superpowers. The Soviet Union was determined to have influence over Eastern Europe and to also spread Communism around the world, the United States opposed this claiming that Capitalism is the key to the future and made tremendous efforts to contain Communism.

The Cuban missile crisis was the most intense period of the Cold War, which almost resulted in armed conflict between the superpowers. Each side threatened the other with nuclear attacks. It was mainly provoked by the US when President Kennedy ordered several missiles to be planted in Turkey, which was friendly to the US during the Cold War. The leader of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev felt threatened by the United States approach, and planted Soviet missiles in Cuba, which was 90 miles away from the US as a retaliatory defence if an...