Cheamistry: Rate of reaction.

Essay by hazzzJunior High, 8th gradeC, January 2006

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The rate of a reaction is how quickly the reactants form products.

Rate of Reatcion = Volume of products formed cm

Time taken (secs)

In this particular experiment the reactants are magnesium (Mg) and hydrochloric acid will be used. I will be using different molars and the molar, which gives me the most accurate result I will be using.


The aim of the investigation is to find out the factors affecting the rate of reaction between the magnesium strip and the acid. There are four main factors, which can influence the rate. These factors are:

1 Concentration of acid

2 Temperatures

3 Surface area of magnesium strip

4 Presence of a catalyst

For my experiment the only factor I will change is the surface area. I am going to gold the 10cm magnesium ribbon, and make the surface area smaller and record my results and see which produced more CO2 when the surface area was at 10cm the maximum or when the surface area was at its smallest.

In my investigation the factor I am going to change is the length of the ribbon. I will be folding the 10cm strip into 5cm. Then I will fold the 5 cm into 2.5cm then into 1.25cm


I predict that the 10cm magnesium ribbon will produce the most gas because it has a larger surface area. I believe this because the 10cm and new bonds will be made.

When the surface area is made smaller, the surface area will start to decrease because be mor bounce off each other. This would therefore mean the gas would take longer to be produced