The Chemical Element Florine

Essay by reepicheepJunior High, 8th grade August 2002

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Fluorine is the thirteenth most abundant element and compounds containing fluorine are found in all living things. It is a tiny atom and is the most reactive of all the elements. It can only be separated from its compounds using large amounts of electrical energy. Fluorine is so reactive that it can extract oxygen from water and it also releases oxygen as a gas. Compounds of fluorine are called fluorides and most fluorides dissolve in water and oil. Fluorine is so corrosive that finely divided glass, metals, carbon, ceramics and even water burn in fluorine. It was used in atom bombs and nuclear energy projects after the II World War. Fluorine can now be transported by the ton but you won't be able to buy it at shops since it is highly toxic. Below is the atom structure of fluorine.


Name: Fluorine

Symbol: F

Atomic Number: 9

Atomic Weight: 18.9984032(5.)

Group in Periodic Table: 17

Period in Periodic Table: 2

Group Name: Halogen

Block in Periodic Table: p-block

Standard State: gas at 298 Kelvin

Colour: pale yellow

Electrical Resistivity: unknown

Melting Point: -219.62 degrees

Boiling Point: -188.12 degrees

Origin of Name: from the Latin word fluere meaning to flow.


Fluorine was first discovered in 1670 by a Frenchman named George Gore who came across the element by accident. He was etching glass using Bohemian Emerald (known as Calcium Fluoride) and made a little fluoride through an electrolytic1. His apparatus blew up due to a chemical reaction between the fluorine and hydrogen. It was finally isolated in 1886 by Ferdinand Frederic who used an apparatus constructed of platinum. His reward was the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1906.


*Fluorine and its compounds are used in producing isotopically fractionated uranium (UF6)...