"A child called It" book report by, Jessica Salyer

Essay by lilbirdee17High School, 12th gradeA+, February 2004

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The book I read was " A child called it", by Dave Pelzer.

I can't even believe the pain this child went through. How can someone be so cruel to treat his or her child this way? I am surprised that David even survived after being beat, burned, starved and suffocated by fumes that are severely deadly.

If it were me, I don't think that I would be able to keep going. Society has placed such an emphasis on child abuse these days and it is well deserved. People like David's mother have serious things wrong with them mentally. I don't understand why she didn't treat the other children the way she treated David. Maybe something happened that made her that way towards him, but it isn't an excuse whatever the matter is to treat her child that way.

I think that whenever Kevin was born David found the way to love again, but when he started growing up the baby learned the ways of his mother and that crushed David to see.

How can society let things like this go on unnoticed for so long?

The teachers obviously saw the problems and signs in David, but they waited for so long to help that if they would have waited longer he may have died. We need to get more programs out there for families and children who go through this pain. I know of families who have gone through domestic violence cases and children who have been abused. They are scared and are sheltered from the information they need to help them. I believe that if there were more flyers out there with information on what these people are going through then there might be a better chance for peace among families and society.

David went through a...