Christopher Columbus's legacy

Essay by yoosukjungJunior High, 9th gradeA+, January 2005

download word file, 6 pages 4.5

Christopher Columbus

The famous explorer Christopher Columbus as we all know as the founder of America, was born in Genoa, Italy, between August 25 and October 31 in 1451. During his birth, the 15th century was a century of change. There were many historical events throughout Western Europe that impacted society profoundly. There were three momentous events in and around the Mediterranean. The Conquest of Ceuta in North Africa by the Portuguese in 1415, the Fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Turks in 1453, and the defeat of Muslim Granada by the Christian Spaniards in 1492. Meanwhile Christopher Columbus spent his early years at his father's trade of weaving and later became a sailor on the Mediterranean. His family was respectable, but of limited means, so that the early education of Columbus was inadequate. On 1476, Columbus made his way to Lisbon, near the Portuguese coast, where his younger brother, Bartholomew lived.

From there, Columbus was briefly educated with chart maker. While quite young, he became a thorough and practical navigator, and later acquired knowledge of astronomy. He met pilots and navigators who believed in the existence of islands farther west while he was busy as a sugar buyer in the Genoese mercantile firm, which is located in the Portuguese islands off of Africa. He remained his next couple of years in Genoese and was never a natural citizen of any countries. In 1479, he returned to Lisbon, where he married Dona Filipa Perestrello e Moniz, who was raised from a wealthy family. Around the year 1471, with a scheme that was suggested by his brother Bartholomew, Columbus unsuccessfully tried to obtain the support of the King of Portugal for his proposal to discover the Far East by sailing westward. With his plan "Enterprise of the Indies," he continually asked...