Pretend you're in a classroom and giving a writing assignment to your students on a particular topic. Students may think but they may not tell you "I don't understand the assignment she wants, I don't know what to write, and "I don't understand her." From the students perspective the teacher is speaking in another language. The teacher's skills fall short of sending the message across to her students. From the teacher's perspective the students are viewed as unimaginative and lazy. The truth may lie in the teacher's ineffectiveness to be clear on her instructions and allowed the students to exercise what the Classical rhetoricians called "invention." This is the theory of having the students discover on their own more knowledge of the subject so they can be able to write their interpretation of topic.
According to Aristotle, it is impossible for anyone to know everything. To be an effective speaker or writer one must apply the principles of researching topic in order to talk or write about the subject.
It sounds reasonable enough but some teachers delegate to their students to write without research. If this happens then how can a teacher expect positive results in a written paper? The student will not perform to his or her abilities. A teacher who teaches rhetoric must integrate five parts of Classical Rhetoric illustrated by Aristotle:1.)Invention-Prewriting skills that allows students to discover a topic2.)Arrangement-This allows students to feature topic in their relevant order3.)Style-The students should be allowed to express themselves in their own individual process4.)Memory-What information the student takes with them is document by student5.)Delivery-The student has formulated the first four parts of the writing process; this final step is the rhetorical art of convincing, persuading and evaluating the end result of the students work. (Clark 72)In order for the teacher to...