Monet shocked the world with his amazing ability to paint nature. He was a natural at it and was able to paint all four seasons as well as day and night scenes with ease. Examples of his work would be "Spring in Giverny"� which is a spring painting, "Vetheuil in Summer"� that is a painting of a summer landscape, and "The Magpie: Snow Effect"� a picture winter with snow.
"Claude Monet has a special affection for nature that the human hand has dressed in a modern style"� (Monet a Retrospective pg. 39) By examining Monet's work carefully you can see his natural talent for nature and that he had helped make modern art what it is today. In his landscape nature paintings, you will notice that over the years he begins to leave the impressionist period and begins into a more modern period of realism. Without Monet's unique landscape paintings, art would not have progressed to its level today.
Claude Monet is knowen best for his beautiful nature paintings, but specifically his paintings titled "Water Lilies"� are what stand out in peoples minds. They are paintings of ponds with water lilies, flowers, and other plants and vegetation in them.
"Some of Monet's most famous paintings are those of the many ponds, lakes, and rivers he painted. However, Monet is most proud of his many water lily paintings."� (Monet a Retrospective pg. 173) Monet's water lilies were unique at the time because of their realism look in an impressionist time period. That, along with the amazing colors and techniques Monet used to create them, is what makes the paintings of the "Water Lilies"� stand out from the rest. Because Monets first painting of the "Water Lilies"� was so successful he went on and continued...
Claude Monet
Very good.
Nice description of the paintings.
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