A Closer Look Into The Ferocious Storm Scene In William Shakespeare’s King Lear

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade April 2001

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Dramatic Significance of A Storm A Closer Look Into The Ferocious Storm Scene in William Shakespeare's King Lear There is great dramatic significance in the "storm scene"� (Act III, Scene i.) of William Shakespeare'sKing Lear. The scene is not only a symbolic representation to the viewer of the difficulties, problems and the ongoing descent to hell Lear's kingdom is experiencing, but also a representation of Lear's own personal descent into madness.

The storm itself personifies Lear's thoughts and emotions. It is raging and cold, much like Lear. He was once a proud, competent and powerful king. Now he is no more than an old man consumed by grief gone mad. Its winds are howling and clouds throwing forth lightening. Lear screams and cries out against the harsh storm. He is filled with uncertainty. His daughters have spurned him, and he does not know why. He has made his way out into this storm of nature and storm of his own emotions with the last of his loyal companions.

He compares the howling storm with the likeness of it to his two daughters "" they are both cold, harsh and unforgiving. The storm's ferocity and viciousness is a representation of Lear's two daughter's ferocity and viciousness. Within this storm, we as audience are also made aware of the threat posed by Albany and Cornwall.

This scene has very dramatic impact on the audience. King Lear, once a mighty, respected figure of power has become nothing more than a tired, lonely, crazed old man with no one in the world to comfort him other than his loyal fool, Kent. The storm creates a tense atmosphere in the audience as the play progresses and just as Shakespeare finally reveals truly how bad things are going in Lear's kingdom. This scene reveals so much in such a short period of time and in a very evil, inhospitable, cold environment. The use of personification by Shakespeare is not only an effective use of imagery and artistry, but makes the dire message of the tragedy itself even more obvious and hard-hitting.