Clown Fish

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

download word file, 3 pages 5.0

Clown fish are remarkable creatures from their origin, to the habitat they live in, and even the way they reproduce. With their vibrant orange and white colors they are one of the most unique fish ever to be researched. They live in the most dangerous depths of water, with the sea anemone which they are always seen to be with.

The Clown Fish also known as Anemonefish come from all over from the tropical Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Australian Great Barrier Reef. They live near a coral reef in only salt water with the sea anemones and are found to be shy creatures. They live in the deepest depths of water where no other fish dare to live in. Amphiprion ocellaris is the most commonly seen Clown fish (finding Nemo) and its body is bright orange with three vertical white bands edged in black. All fins are also edged in black.

There are about twelve known types of clown fish but are all the same when it comes to the way they live. There is still much to learn about these creatures and they have not been completely figured out.

The Anemones are creatures with poisonous tentacles that most fish in the sea try to avoid, but not the Clown fish. You see Clown Fish have a thin layer of mucus that allows them to live in certain parts of the sea that other fishes cannot. This layer gives them immunity to the anemones poisonous sting. The Clown Fish live literally on the sea Anemone and in the wild are never seen to be without each other. The Anemone protect Clown Fish from most predators while the Clown Fish helps the anemone to lure food in. The Clown fish eat other fish caught by the anemone...