The Color Purple by Alice Walker: Celie's Confidants

Essay by sweetdHigh School, 12th grade November 2002

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An essay about Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple. This is an essay about Celie's confidants throughout the novel and how they contribute to her growth as a stronger more independent black woman.

The Color Purple: Celie's Confidants

A confidant or confidante is a character in a drama or fiction, often a trusted friend or relative of the hero or heroine, who stands as a sympathetic shoulder for the hero or heroine. In Alice Walker's The Color Purple (New York: Pocket Books, 1982.), the main character Celie confides in more than one confidant or confidante. These special characters aid Celie by helping her grow and live through the difficulties of life. At the beginning of the novel Celie begins writing letters to God, her first confidant. Another confidante that Celie trusts is her younger sister Nettie, who is the only person that actually loves her from the outset of the novel.

Finally, the reader encounters a singer by the name of Shug Avery, who plays a crucial role not only as a strong confidante, but also the role of a friend and lover who helps Celie find love and happiness. With the help of this flamboyant singer named Shug Avery, her younger sister Nettie, and a simple diary to God, Celie is able to mature into a happier, stronger, and more dominant figure.

At the beginning of the novel, the reader meets the main character Celie, through her diary to God. She begins by writing letters to God about her daily life, and in such letters the reader learns of the ugly events she endures as an uneducated black woman living in the South. One can argue that God plays an absent role in Celie's life because he can never really respond to her...