The Color Purple - Wisom Theme

Essay by iamthejerryHigh School, 11th gradeA, September 2009

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Wisdom is more than just knowledge - it is the application of gained knowledge and experience after extensive contemplation. It is a vital trait that one must possess in order to live purposefully and harmoniously. From the present predicaments of the world like the Sri Lankan and Gaza wars, it is apparent that the lack of wisdom is the catalyst to conflicts and chaos. In The Color Purple, Alice Walker's protagonist Celie is an African-American who has suffered from childhood abuse and injustice. However, as time progresses, she is able to learn from her experiences and friends to overcome the oppression of the men. From the novel, it is evident that wisdom is an essential tool to free oneself. People must guide their actions with insight and intelligence to rise above adversities. Furthermore, lessons learned from past ordeals and accomplishments will aid people in their future struggles. Ultimately, people must find their identity and purpose in life in order to achieve happiness.

Therefore, it is through wisdom that people are able to achieve peace and emancipation.

People must live with astuteness and make wise choices to persevere through times of hardships. In the beginning of the novel, Harpo, Celie's stepson, marries his lover Sofia. Initially, the couple admires and respects one another. However, as their marriage progresses, Harpo begin to believe that his role as husband should grant him total control over his wife. He "want to know what to do to make Sofia mind …He say, I tell her one thing, she do another. Never do what I say. Always back talk" (Walker, 35). Harpo's hunger for dominance in their marriage turns it into a bitter and tasteless relationship. He does not want a loving wife; rather, he wishes for an obedient robot. Moreover, he believes that...