Communication in Organizations

Essay by Babyphat09University, Bachelor'sA, September 2014

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Running Head: Final Paper 9

Starr L Haywood

Final Paper

Com 425 Communication in Organizations

Instructor William Harshman

August 22, 2011


While being in diverse environment can be intimidating, successful communication within an organization starts from the leaders.

Human Communication

Humans communicate in various ways. The most common types of human communication are verbal and nonverbal communication. Verbal and Nonverbal messages can be relayed throughout the work day. Verbal describe the words coworkers say or write to us in an email or notification. Nonverbal describe the facial expressions or head/hand gestures a person makes.

Meanings are the interpretations we make of the different external and internal messages that we attend to (Kreps 2011).

Encoding and Decoding involves translating messages into meanings or meanings into messages. Whether a person encodes or decodes depends on the situation. This is the brain's process of understanding what is being relayed.

Individual Factors in Organizational Communication

Self-Image involves beliefs about who we perceive we are, what we see as our personal and professional potential, and what we think our personal communication style should be (Kreps 2011).

Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment (Shein 2010). In an organization perception can be measured by the awareness of the employees.

Self-Disclosure is both the conscious and unconscious act of revealing more about oneself to others. An employee should be careful not to disclose any personal information he or she does not want the entire organization to know about. Sometimes self-disclosure is done without realizing one has opened up about personal information about one's self.

Cultural and Organizational Communication

Formal Communication can be in the form of project's information through mailing lists. This type of communication in most organizations is through official work related emails as...