A Comparative Study of Texts Exploring the concept of "Reinventions", including Yann Martel's "Life of Pi"

Essay by J.R.C.High School, 12th gradeA+, March 2008

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Reinvention is a fluid concept in itself with its lack of definite interpretation and its inability to be precisely characterised. However through close study of three texts that revolve around reinventions, it has to some extent given shape to my understanding of the abstract concept. The hidden ingenuity behind Yann Martel's novel Life of Pi, Sandro Del-Prete's drawing Cosmic Wheels and W.T. Anderson's cover page of Reality Isn't What It Used To Be" has diverged my interpretation of reinventions from being a mere change with motivation to a complex idea with profound implications for humanity.

Due to constant exposure in the texts, I have been influenced strongly by the post-modern interpretation of reinventions. All is flux and there are no certainties, apart from uncertainty and change, so this loss of absolutes evokes reinventions. Reality Isn't What It Used To Be uses contradictions with references to pop culture, such as the subtitle "Primitive Chic", to convey the high speed of reinvention that we are currently experiencing and the notion that nothing is perpetual.

"Chic" refers to the latest trend, but by putting "primitive" in front of it, it creates an oxymoron that suggests the swiftness of change quickly deteriorates new things into the old; that nothing is forever. With this comes the idea of a fluid identity conveyed in Cosmic Wheels which feature sinuous ellipses that change dimensions to stress the continuous transformation of forms with an added air of irregularity and inevitability. As it is a circle, it is impossible to determine its starting dimension and true form. Likewise, it is equally difficult to pinpoint a static and true self behind the collection of socially reinvented masks which form one's identity.

As post-modernism challenges us in new interpretations on life,