A compare/contrast essay on the poems "My Papa's Waltz"/"Grape Sherbet"

Essay by llamapoopHigh School, 10th gradeA, April 2007

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Memories are not real. Although we try to cling to memories, they will never be revived. Both the themes in “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke, and “Grape Sherbet” by Rita Dove, share a similar idea along with the tone. However the poems are differ greatly in structural aspects. The theme of a poem creates the general moral or idea, poems may have themes with deeper meaning than that of the surface of the poem.

The themes are similar in the aspect that they both are reflections of the past. “Grape Sherbet” demonstrates a form of this feeling of a memory when it begins by stating the day, Memorial. This is a clear indication of reminiscence because of the purpose of the holiday. The poem “My Papa’s Waltz” also has a theme closely related theme. Although the reader may be skeptical and even concerned about the speakers father, it is revealed to us that the event was enjoyable and memorable.

The speaker clings to the memory of the father and the times that he was with the speaker. The themes in both poems are comparable with similar points dealing with theme. Part of the theme is affected by the tone of poems.

The poems have an enthusiastic tone. They both emit a rather happy mood throughout the poem. The subtle hints of joy are shown during flashbacks in “Grape Sherbet”. The speaker obviously showed great contentment as a child and clearly enjoyed the presence of her father. In “My Papa’s Waltz” the speaker cherished the moments that the father was home. They romped through the house which shows the playfulness they displayed together. The tones in both poems reflect the happy feelings the speakers get with their fathers. The tone is also affected by the structure of the...