Comparing Texts of The Epic of Gilgamesh, Get in Debt and Nineteen-Eighty Four with Teenage Culture in Today's society

Essay by shockresHigh School, 10th gradeA-, February 2009

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It is safe to say that culture, peers, family and the media are some of the predominant factors that shape the values of human beings. Therefore, since all humans grow up in varying environments and undergo different experiences, these factors will influence each person differently and in consequence, people will have different values. However, there will still be intrinsic values that some people share. Therefore, in analyzing the varying effects of the aforementioned factors on human beings, an interesting investigation would be to examine the link between the values of teenager’s today in North America and the values of the characters in the texts studied in class. Some of the compelling similarities found within these two groups are that they share a commonality of deeply valuing the relationships that they have with their peers, they have a tendency to make impulsive decisions without considering the consequences and they take pleasure in helping other people.

North American teens highly value their relationships with their peers; the importance of the acceptance of peers is also paralleled in Angela Medearis’ “The Conformist”. In this poem about conformity, the narrator hesitates to “dye her hair”, “pierce her nose” and show other forms of individualism because she is afraid of what others will think of her (Medearis 31). In the same way, youth in North America are under the influence of peer pressure because they want to be accepted by their group and maintain a lasting relationship with their friends. Moreover, “The Epic of Gilgamesh” illustrates the value of relationships as well. After Endiku’s death, Gilgamesh laments for “7 days and nights” because he treasures the unique bond he and Endiku shared as good friends (Epic of Gilgamesh). The value of everlasting friendship is also cherished in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” when...