Comparison & Contrast: Community Policing vs. Traditional Policing

Essay by stealthmasterCollege, UndergraduateA-, September 2008

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Policing in the United States has taken on many different forms and facets in the past 50 years. Although, various modes & models of policing styles continue to be introduced, two main aspects of law enforcement have remained constant, (traditional policing & community oriented- policing). There are so many different facets, trends, and new emerging technologies in the wide world of law enforcement. First, we will outline a brief history of the origins and evolvement of policing. Special attention will be lent to illustrate the effectiveness of the paramilitary style of dress, loyalty, and discipline in relation to the traditional style of policing in America; casting particular illumination on the organizational structure of the traditional police department. In addition, the solid, familial bond of brotherhood and sisterhood that exists within the casing of the traditional style of policing will also be presented and explained. Community oriented policing is the second side of policing that we are going to deal with; focusing on its American roots, effectiveness, and future direction of community-oriented policing.

A brief biographical sketch will be painted of the person who many law enforcement researchers and analysts have credited with the implementation of the community-oriented model of policing. His basis, reasoning, and a cross-section of his 9 Policing Principles will also be discussed. The public reaction and relationship to-wards the community-oriented model of policing will also be brought to light. The many triumphs, pitfalls, differences, similarities, and core effectiveness of both models of policing will be contrasted and compared.

The subject of what method or rule is best to use in the protection of the citizens who live, work, and raise families in the United States will more than likely remain a hot-button issue for many years to come. Depending upon the current governmental administration that is occupying...