The Confederation - Study Notes

Essay by thekingandqueen January 2009

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1.What problems did the new nation experience under the Articles of Confederation?-the Second Continental Congress created one without sufficient power to govern effectively-the greatest weakness of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation was its inability to regulate trade and no national currency and levy taxes (could ask that states contribute to the national government but couldn’t force them to)-The government could not pay off the debts it had incurred during the revolution, including paying soldiers who had fought in the war and citizens who had provided supplies to the cause.

-Congress could not pass needed measures because they lacked the nine-state majority required to become laws.

-The states largely ignored Congress, which was powerless to enforce cooperation, and it was therefore unable to carry out its duties.

2. What positions did nationalists and localists take in the 1780’s?-localists --> said that local control must prevail in order to successfully stop oppressive tyranny-reluctant to change the confederation-left – opened up a lot of land and territory that people could take over-nationalists --> also agreed with local control, but the much needed element was a strong, republican central government-confederation created a lose union with the states-need a more effective central government-revolution promoted a more egalitarian society -->life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness-challenged the declaration of politics – felt it should be more democraticnation undergoing many problems-both state debt and national debt-Indian problems on the frontier-European nations don’t want to trade with the U.S.

→ seems to be a nation that can’t really functionPhiladelphia convention-there was another convention to discuss the Articles of Confederation-done in secret-operated behind closed doors --> creates a sense of security upon these localists-Nationalists--> Federalists, Loyalists --> Anti-Federalists-Federalism – shared power between the central government and the states-dual sovereignty-Confederation – lose union of the United StatesVirginia Plan:-create a government similar to what we have today-power sharing between the central government and the states-talks about the need to create a judicial branch, legislative branchBibliography:Making a Nation (textbook)