Constitutional and Social Developments. The problems that arose that lead up to the American Civil War.

Essay by KorobeinikiCollege, Undergraduate April 2004

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Constitutional and Social Developments

A revolution in the United States was inevitable, it was only a matter of time. During the mid-1800's there were many controversies that provoked the division of America, which included slavery, states rights, and preservation of the Union. These were the key factors which eventually led to the American Civil War. Perhaps one of the major events that sparked this division was the assault on Fort Sumter. Southerners assailed one of the Unions few Southern forts. The North was forced to give up the fort, but immediately gathered troops to blockade Southern seaports. Problem, after problem arose and the country was in a downward spiral towards self-destruction.

When the Union decided to block Southern seaports, many Southerners received that as an act of war. As a result, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina decided to secede from the Union. The Confederacy was growing in numbers, but still the crucial border states did not secede.

According to Document A, the Southern states who withdrew from the Union, did so because the Constitution appointed duties that would contradict the ways of the sovereign states. Therefore, a new government was formed which defined objects and powers, unlike the Constitution had.

The North impressed upon unity, and nationalization according to Document B. With this sense of nationalism, the states could rely on the United States government for currency and the medium for exchange. The South however, took the exact opposite approach. They believed in states rights and wanted each state to control their own government, currency, and banks. This conflict of social problems was just another dispute that added to the tension between the North and the South.

It is a common misconception that slavery was solely responsible for the American Civil War. This is not entirely true, but slavery...