Contradictions in the Bibile

Essay by Kendab April 2004

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Usually, when someone writes a book, they do a 'rough draft' and then go back through it changing, polishing and perfecting the text, until they are happy with the way it is written. Some authors write their entire book several times, making changes and re-writing whole chapters, and even then they may have more work to do if the publisher has some further suggestions.

The same could be said about anything which humans do. It is almost impossible for any human to produce a major work perfect in every detail first time. Music, dance, painting, acrobatics, ice-skating, sport . . . in every pursuit there is an initial process of learning and practise, with many mistakes and finally there comes a performance which is reasonable, but not perfect.

Perhaps it is this built-in 'imperfection' problem shared by all humans, which leads some people to transfer what they have experienced in their own life (and seen in other lives) to the Bible? After all, to the believer and unbeliever alike, the Bible appears to be a book just like any other book, made of paper, ink and glue.

On what basis may anyone decide that the Bible alone, in the midst of all the millions of other books in the world, is totally free of errors?

And when the Bible is heard (on tape or CD), it appears to be made of words, just like any other written document, so why should the story as heard in the Bible be any different from say a very accurate history book, or a medical dictionary? True, there are claims that the Bible 'speaks' like no other book, but there are many other religious or 'spiritual' books which also inspire and move their hearers with much the same effect. Is it all, in the...