Convergence Of the Twain Essay hardy

Essay by JSheets44High School, 12th gradeA+, April 2004

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The destined tragedy of the glorious, unsinkable Titanic has struck wonder and emotion in the hearts and minds of people far and wide. "The Convergence of the Twain" by Thomas Hardy, captures this emotion through the use of poetic devices. The speaker conveys his attitude toward the sinking of the ship using a unique illustrative technique in his writing.

As opposed to simply conveying his attitude through description in a straightforward manner it is depicted to the reader using diction, imagery, irony, and comparisons. For example, "In a solitude of the sea deep from human vanity" makes use of diction in order to convey a somber tone. The illustrative diction creates imagery in order for the reader to be able to visualize and feel the emotion and attitude, as opposed to only reading and acknowledging it. Furthermore, "Prepared a sinister mate for her-so gaily great- a shape of ice, for the time far and dissociate" creates a separate image from the Titanic of the malicious iceberg.

The quotation also illustrates the speaker's emotion, allowing the reader can picture this calm serene scene and feel the speaker's empathy for the ship's inevitable downfall, and the attitude of acceptance and amazement of the tragedy. The speaker's attitude is also illustrated to the reader through irony and comparisons. For example, "Jewels in joy designed to ravish the sensuous mind lie lightless, all their sparkles bleared and black and blind" used in stanza IV, creates a picture of beautiful possessions that are then depicted as "bleared and black" which is a combination of two opposites or a juxtaposition. This irony portrays an attitude of amazement because the speaker is astonished that something so grand and beautiful could become dark and tragic. Furthermore, "And as the smart ship grew in stature, grace,