Corporal punishment

Essay by onglt1 August 2006

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Thesis statement

When considering opinions of both sides, I am inclined to take sides with the latter. Corporal punishment is an infringement of children's rights. It should be forbidden in families and schools. Parents and teachers are engineers of children's souls therefore we should always love children, be patient to them and try our best to help them to develop in a correct direction.

Corporal punishment has been practiced in many schools and families for quite a long time. In recent years, people's attitudes towards this practice have undergone drastic changes. Nowadays, many people strongly oppose it. Should corporal punishment be abolished? The issue whether it is a useful part of discipline or an infringement of children's rights has aroused a heated discussion all over the world. Corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force with the intention of making children experience pain, but not injury, for purposes of correction or control of the children's behavior (Straus, 1994, p.

4). Discipline is a training of mind and body in order to obey rules and control someone's behavior like the law (Taylor, 2002, pp.73~77). The difference is that the law is more serious. Children's rights basically mean that children (all human beings below the age of 18) are born with fundamental freedoms and the inherent rights of all human beings (Nicholson, Anderson, Fox & Brenner, 2002, pp. 362~371). Then, the infringement of children's rights means somebody violated the children's rights. Corporal punishment is an infringement of children's rights. It should be forbidden in families and schools. This essay will discuss three major arguments which includes that corporal punishment is an uncivilized action, it hurts children physically and it hurts children psychologically. It will also show the counterarguments which contains that some children are hard to be...