The book 'When corporations Rule the World' by David Korten describes the way things will be in the future with multi-national corporations. These large corporations are found all over the world. There are many different problems that are appearing and many of them can be seen to be connected to corporations. We need to look at what is occurring with corporations and see if they are causing more problems or are helping to solve problems of the world. David Korten addresses this question in his book. He points out many of the problems that are being caused by multi-national corporations in the world today. He points out the effects to communities, families, the individual and the environment that are being forgotten about in the ever expanding process of economic globalization. Korten states ' the process of economic globalization are not only spreading mass poverty, environmental devastation and social disintegration, they are also weakening our capacity for constructive social and cultural innovation at a time when such innovation is needed as never before' (269).
Corporations have not always been as big and powerful as the are today. Through economic globalization they have become very powerful. 'Corporations have emerged as the dominant governance institutions on the planet, with the largest among them reaching into virtually every country of the world and exceeding most governments in size and power' (54). Prior to the Civil War, owners were personally responsible for any liabilities or debts the company incurred, including wages owed to workers. Early Americans feared corporations as a threat to democracy and freedom. After the Civil War, owners and managers of corporations pressed relentlessly to expand their powers, and the courts gave them what they wanted. Perhaps the most important change occurred when the U.S. Supreme Court granted corporations the full...
Dear one
I can definitely detect where your writing leaves off and the source writing begins. You need to work on word usage to make your thoughts clear and concise. Also sentence and paragraph structure. I see that you are a sophmore so that helps explain some of it. Please do yourself justice and use the campus writing center obtaining help and guideance. There should be one located on your college campus. Good writing skills will be needed for you to successfully finish your college education. You gave it a good try and that is the first step in any successful venture. Blessings in the future. Keep trying!
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