A creative writing piece about the Arizona desert and how it contrasts from day to night.

Essay by rishimak March 2003

download word file, 2 pages 4.6

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The Forsaken Expanse

The arid and sunburnt barren land of Arizona; eternal desert stretching for miles and miles. The intense sun blazes down on this harsh yet amazingly beautiful wilderness of red rocks, the incredible feeling of being the only person with a heart beating within miles sets in.

The landscape never changes, it stays the same; no wind, no rain, just stale raw air. Inconceivable formations of canyons and immense rock structures set in the distance, circling the desert comparable to a tremendous bare stadium with red rocky stands that you know exist, but out of your reach. Every time your eyes wander back to study the distant rocky landscape it seems as if it were merely a projection onto the horizon. It almost feels unreal.

As you stand in the midst of the red scar set in the face of America, as the awesome temperature hits you, and as the blue sky watches down on you, time seems to stand still and you suddenly feel calm.

You look up, the sky seems like a impeccable contrast to the land underneath you, imperturbable and blue. A perfect painting with a crater punched through the sky for the light to advance through. It is an ironic twist; how the giver of life has seemed to have taken the life away from this, the light and heat somehow sucking all life from the desert, but still the desert radiates red, out-showing any green garden or flourishing forest.

As the sun sets the last rays of light scorch the desert, and the last beams of sunlight perforate through the horizon. the incredible landscape changes, as if the desert were a nocturnal mammal. The blue sky exists no longer, the sun is no more, but in its place is vast...