Critical Lens: "If passion drives you, let reason be the reins."(Benjamin Franklin) in relation to William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"

Essay by lexi27Junior High, 9th gradeA+, May 2007

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Benjamin Franklin once said, "If passion drives you, let reason be the reins." In simpler terms, I think this means that if you are passionate about what you want to receive or achieve, go for it, but within reasonable limits. I agree with this quote because I can relate it to myself. When I want to accomplish something, I put all that I have forth to achieve my goal, but I have reality as my limits and know what is rational and irrational. In William Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet, there are many characters that are driven by passion, but they face consequences for not being realistic and logical.

In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, characters Romeo and Juliet make impulsive decisions to achieve what they are passionate for; each other. According to Franklin's Quote, if you are passionate about something, you should strive to attain it but with reason.

Romeo and Juliet were both very passionate, but they acted very unreasonable and unrealistic with the choices they were faced with as their passion elevated. After they met, they were married the next day and they did not tell their parents. The more practical choice would have been to slow down and wait for the right moment to tell the fighting families. Instead, they acted unwisely and had to suffer the consequences which eventually led to both of their deaths. They left their parents, family members and other people of Verona to deal with the grief of the deaths. In my opinion, if they were still passionate but had more limits to their passion, they would have been able to live and be content with each other. Another character that was avid during this story was Capulet, Juliet's father. Capulet wants Juliet to get married and find her perfect soul...