The Cross of straight Winged Fruit Flies With Nubbin winged flies

Essay by Ryan BrannanHigh School, 11th gradeA+, November 1996

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The Cross of Straight Winged Fruit Flies with Nubbin Winged Fruit Flies

The Cross of Straight Winged Fruit Flies with Nubbin Winged Fruit Flies

In 1933, a man named Thomas Hunt Morgan won the Nobel Prize for conducting experiments on genetics by using the Drosophila melanogaster (also known as the fruit fly). This experiment gave him the understanding of sex linked inheritance. The reason why he used fruit flies was because they breed many times and to have a good experiment you should have many results to work with.

Thomas Hunt Morgan was an American zoologist. He was a professor of experimental zoology at Columbia University. From his experiments he concluded that the individual units of heredity, (genes) are arranged in a line on the chromosomes. This theory, known as the chromosome theory of heredity. Morgan also wrote The Theory of the Gene in 1926.

The fruit fly has very few stages in it's life cycle.

They are egg, larva, pupa, and then it becomes an adult. The female lays the egg and after one day the egg hatches and a larva comes out. The larva will keep eating for seven days and then it becomes a pupa. It will remain this way for six days and then finally it is an adult. Then the females are virgins for 8 to 12 hours. Once they reproduce with a male the female can store his sperm for the rest of the her life.

Genetics is an important aspect of many areas of pure and applied biology. Viral genetics, microbial genetics, plant genetics, animal genetics, and human genetics focus research on specific types of organisms. Research in molecular genetics involves studies on chemical structure and function; cytogenetics on location of the genetic material in cells and on cell division; developmental...