What is the current state of McGregor's theory X and Y in industry? Do most employees fall within X? Y? Are there any other theories that offer alternative arguments about the nature o employees?

Essay by BlueBellUniversity, Bachelor'sA-, October 2002

download word file, 3 pages 3.3

What is the current state of McGregor's theory X and Y in industry? Do most employees fall within X? Y? Are there any other theories that offer alternative arguments about the nature o employees? What does your company do to address both Xers and Yers?I believe that Theory Y is the most predominately used method of management. This theory has gone through a few transformations since McGregor first wrote about his X and Y theories in the early 60's. I think that companies have realized that managing people like robots does not promote a sense of ownership among employees and eventually diminishes work production. The employees in an X theory employment situation work only for the salary and pray that no problems become evident on their shift. If a problem does become apparent it becomes the management's problem and the employee will offer few or no suggestions for its solution.

I presume that most employees fall somewhere between X and Y, depending on the type of employment and the firm they are working in. These facets will help determine the type of employee. If the management style is dominant and doesn't ask for employee input the employee will then determine if the salary is enough compensation for the work that is asked for. The employee may decide that the salary does not include the benefit of suggestions or ideas for better job performance. The employee will not support the company and its goals but the company will support the employee. If on the other hand the company follows the team management style of supervision, the feeling of inclusion with the company will supplement the monetary compensation and typically, the employee will offer suggestions for better production. People who seek employment in this type of company are generally more project/company orientated...