Date Rape

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Date rape has been increasingly recognized as a common problem in society. Much of the attention associated with domestic violence has centered on women. They have been classified as being at an increased risk of becoming a victim. The impact of date rape on the morale of women is detrimental to their well being. The lack of concern for date rape victims has left their accusers feeling fortunate as sexual abuse needs to be recognized and prosecuted. The broad definition of date rape is also refereed to as acquaintance rape that best demonstrates how sexual abuse can be detrimental to a young women's life. I hope that precautions and the classification of date rape will help establish certain guidelines for young women to follow. The prevention of possible date rape victims should help scare away possible abusers. The more young women know about the dangers regarding date rape the lack of victims will never have to suffer the physical and mental abuse of date rape.

The proper understanding of date rape can be a bit tricky. For instance there are numerous ways in which the act can occur and be defined. The phrase date rape coincides with acquaintance rape; however, it wrongly implies the severity of the rape with partners or strangers. The most common definition of date rape is one who is subjected to unwanted sexual intercourse, oral sex, anal sex, or other sexual contact through the use of force or threat of force. Victims of acquaintance and date rape frequently blame themselves for the attack and are therefore less likely than victims of stranger rape to seek help in recovering from the trauma. Despite the two form's similarity in definition, the risk of being raped by someone you know (acquaintance rape) is four times greater than your risk...