Daycare Dilemna

Essay by jwebbUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, May 2006

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Parents should be placing their children in an academic daycare or home daycare program instead of having someone come to their home to take care of their child for several reasons. Choosing childcare is one of the most difficult decisions a parent will ever have to make, but also one of the most important. First, parents who put their children in an academic daycare will not have to share their home with a stranger, something most people find uncomfortable. Out-of-home childcare is generally a more affordable option than in-home child care, which helps financially. The biggest reason for out-of-home child care is that children become more socially active and tend to learn more. Children, in this type of environment, socialize with children their own age and are more prepared to enter kindergarten. Over 75% of parents today work outside the home and face the decision of choosing the most beneficial childcare for their children.

There have been several studies on what kind of daycare environment is best for children, and it has been shown that an academic daycare, where there is formal learning and socialization is best children.

I was fortunate enough to interview the director and one of the Pre-K teachers of the Phoenix School in Rocklin. Chris Johnson, who is the current director of the Phoenix School, has been in early childhood education for fifteen years. She has a bachelor's degree in early childhood development and has taught at the Phoenix schools for the last ten years. "I can't agree more that children should be placed in a structured environment at an early age. Children start to learn when they come out of the womb and never stop, an academic preschool can jumpstart their learning career."

(C. Johnson, personal communication, March 28, 2004) Chris went over the...