The death ivan ilyich

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Life is not always as it seems In "The Death of Evan Ilyich," the author Leo Tolstory is trying to instruct his reader about the life. Ivan didn't really know what marriage was all about until it was too late. Ivan's wife got revenge on her husband at the end of the book. Peter was not the friend Ivan thought her was. There is usually one person in the world that cares about someone the most.

Ivan is trying to tell his readers that marriage is not always what people think it is. When Ivan and Praskovya, his wife were going out he didn't really think about marrying her. When Praskovya fell in love with Ivan he thought, "Really, why shouldn't I get married?" So he decided to get married. Everything was going well at the start. Then his wife got pregnant, everything changed. She became angry at everything he did.

She started saying that he was not paying enough attention to her. He tried to act normal and spend time with his friends. Then his wife got violent with him so he stayed at work more because he didn't want to be at home. They never got divorced but he did have affairs.

When death is upon Ivan his wife pays very little attention to him when he needs it the most. She remembers all the things he did to her when she was pregnant. Not only did his wife turned her back on him, his whole family did except his son. His family felt that he was not there when they needed him, so they are going to do the dame thing to him. It is sad that he could not be there for his wife so she could have been there for him. She really doesn't care...