Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper

Essay by glloydjr72University, Bachelor'sA+, April 2004

download word file, 4 pages 3.0


Browne and Keeley (2001) define critical thinking as consisting "of an awareness of a set of interrelated critical questions, plus the ability and willingness to ask and answer them at appropriate times." Critical thinking can, and should, be used each day. Living in the information age, we are under a constant barrage of opinions, facts, and information. The first critical enable us to have confidence in our decisions and beliefs, as we will know that we have thoroughly thought our decisions and opinions through.

Decision-Making Model

Choices, choices, choices. Decision, decisions, decisions. Where do we start? If we talk about decision making in our Management class we probably talk about the decision making process.

The purpose of this paper is to help you make the most informed and intelligent decisions possible. Fortunately, many of our poor decisions involve relatively minor issues, and the discomfort is neither life-threatening nor long lasting.

Unfortunately, we occasionally make poor decisions that involve relatively major issues, and we have to live with the consequences of that decision. If we can become more aware of a systematic procedure for decision making and be aware of some of the pitfalls we might make, we can learn to avoid making these poor decisions, whether minor or major, and thus live a less stressful life.

While researching this topic I came across a decision-making module that would best accomplish this task and the one that best fits the way I make decisions. I will break it down and explain each step by using it on a decision I have made at work.

Step one; know exactly what you are trying to decide. If you don't know what you are trying to decide how can you attempt to solve your situation or problem? A decision I had to make...