Problem Solved Many individuals like to buy fashionable clothing with desirable OM logs, cheap cost and with best quality material. They will prefer shopping online at their own convenient times. They may want to buy it in a patronizing store that offers wide selection of merchandise. Our customers currently have no-way of meeting their needs for clothing we will be offering.
OM e-shop will be retail clothing on-line store designed to serve the growing market of professional/casual working men and women. The store will buy clothing and accessories from a variety of manufacturers that provide goods quality and dependable services. OM e-shop will resell them to our target market with special OM logos and various designs. OM e-shop will specialize in fashionable, reasonably priced clothing suitable to average person's environment. The store will sell only a limited line of sportswear or leisurewear. We will carry long and short sleeves t-shirts, jeans, sweat suits and limited casual dresses for daytime wear, together with normal OM accessories.
OM e-shop will regularly publish a newsletter, which we will send to customers on our mailing list. We will maintain a computerized image of our customers that contains their size and style and color preferences. OM e-shop will schedule fashion shows for our customer base as a marketing device.
OM e-shop will start out on small home-based environment and will sell through on-line for time being. In future we will look for a location that is most suitable for the business.
OM e-shop will be located in xyz location and will maintain regular hours of Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. These hours will be a convenience to our customer base also use of email services be 24x7. The store will not offer delivery...