Description, Pros and Cons of Scarsdale Diet

Essay by pomegranetCollege, UndergraduateA+, February 2003

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Many fad diets provide for low carbohydrate/high protein intake in order to give the dieter quick weight loss. The Scarsdale Diet is no exception, as it advertises pound-a-day weight loss for the entire week or two it is followed. The plan outlines clearly what the dieter is allowed to eat for what meal. There are both upsides and downsides to the diet.

The low carbohydrate diet was published in 1864, adding the high protein aspect in 1967. Eleven years later, Herman Tarnower published The Scarsdale Medical Diet, which became a best seller. However, the low-fat trend began in the 1908s, so the diet, which is similar to the Atkins Diet that preceded it, did not become consistently mainstream until the mid-1990s. The author of the diet was murdered in 1980, so he was unable to make the consistent re-publishing and re-writing efforts that other diet founders, such as Dr.

Atkins, have. Even so, this diet has kept a faithful follwing through the years, mainly because of its quick results and lack of portion control.

The plan itself is very specific, as it outlines the choices the dieter has for every meal of the week. For example, the breakfast options are few. Every day, the dieter will eat half of a grapefruit and a slice of protein bread, no butter. The options do vary throughout the week, although keeping the intake around 1000 calories or less each day. Monday's lunch consists of assorted cold cuts (lean meats, chicken, turkey, tongue, lean beef), tomatoes (sliced, broiled, or stewed) and coffee, tea or diet soda. Tuesday's lunch, however, is a fruit salad or any combination of fruits with coffee or tea. This variety is shown throughout all of the week. For the second week, the dieter simply repeats the meals of the...