Die Deutschland Frauenbewegung - The German Women's Movement

Essay by amazon_jane21University, Bachelor'sA, November 2006

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"In today's competitive world, companies and organizations can't afford to miss out on the best talent. 'If we get a disproportionate share of the most talented people in the world, we have a chance of holding a competitive edge.' Girls are outstripping boys at school in many countries, and more go to university than men. However, when it comes to positions of power, women are failing to get professorships or a seat on the board."

Women have long been held to lower performance standards, and have thus received lower pay and less respect than men. In a society where women are expected to raise children and take care of the home, how can a small woman with a soft voice who has incredible credentials ever hope to compete with a tall man in a dark business suit who speaks confidently? As a result, women who are more qualified are consistently and methodically being passed over or are simply not applying for higher positions.

This is especially true in Germany, where women traditionally have three main roles in life - the "Three Ks" - Kinder (children), Kirche (church), and Kuche (kitchen) .

This paper will argue that women in Germany since World War II have systematically been deprived of equal employment opportunities due to stereotyping and cultural gender roles and offer a few possible solutions to this problem. These solutions will be explained in further detail later in this paper, but in short are diversity requirements, education incentives, and childcare programs.

In the East, women were a necessary sector of the workforce. Education and vocational programs were open to anyone in the Communist East, while these services were available exclusively to men in the West. Abortion was legalized and family civil codes and marriage laws were revised to better assimilate women...