The difference between philosophy and religion (reason and faith)

Essay by McRichardsD+, October 2006

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Morality and Religion


The issue I intend to tackle in this assignment is the relationship between morality and religion. I will basically explain whether morality depend on religion. It is a common belief among many people that morality and religion are inseparable. Others believe that if any distinction between morality and religion is to be made, then morality can be understood only in the context of religion. This thought about religion occupies most of the people who lean to some beings that are beyond human grasp. I will discuss Divine Command Theory in order to elaborate the view of religion on morality. I will then explain the strengths and weaknesses of religion with regard to human conduct, and finally, I will show how far it goes in solving human conflicts.

Religion outline

Religious experiences differ widely in different persons, but they present certain common features that can enable religion to be discussed universally.

The predominant feature of any religion is the portrait of a deity in terms of either God or gods. 'Religion is the experience constituted by those thoughts, feelings, and actions which spring from man's sense of dependence upon the power or powers controlling the universe, and which have as their center of interest the cosmic fortune of values.' (Everett 1918: 382). Judaism and Christianity for instance, believe that the world was created by a loving and all-powerful God.

Pointing out a few comparisons between morality and religion will explain why many people think that morality and religion are inseparable.

Both religion and morality aim at establishing principles concerning right and wrong or good and bad behaviour of people. Consequently, both morality and religion form a unified code of society by which the people involved can judge right and wrong act.

Morality and religion are seen to...