The Different Convictions of Chinese Culture

Essay by jeffreytsaiCollege, UndergraduateA, May 2007

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Although the progress and dimensions of worldwide technology advances have extended incredibly, and people’s living standard as well as necessities depend admittedly on it, people’s mentality sometimes commits to indescribable, illogical, and mysterious religious manners, such as superstitions, repeating what others obey, or stereotypes. The followers of these beliefs are convinced that their lives can be lived without technology but not their faith; therefore, at the moment of developing technology, invariable religious beliefs are still strong enough to coexist with technology. In Chinese culture, for example, superstitions and myths are firmly established in some believers’ lives.

“Mixed Media” refer to all the media, TV, radio, and the press, which discuss the afterworld with so-called “masters of religions,” and are nothing but try to get people’s attention; these false masters benefit from people’s curiosity and innocence. For instance, some programs express false personal experiences of keeping contact with the dead from the afterworld but are free from criticism and skepticism.

There is a TV program called “the series of afterworld”, it always invites some “masters” to boastfully discuss their ridiculous experiences of coming across with ghosts.

“Simple Deceptions” attract people by using synthetic photographs or unofficial visible phenomena and gain fame and wealth from them. Some government officials who support these “simple deceptions” are for nothing but the followers’ attention and support.

“False Scientism” is fortune telling, astrology, and “psychic phrenology,” it establishes institutions that convince people through statistical support and complex precepts. They emphasize they can easily analyze people’s future by features, palms lines (usually the right hand for men and the left for women), and constellations. Scientists wonder that something those astrologists emphasize is apparently wrong, and, rather, “gazing at without seeing.” For instance, in astrology, there are twelve constellations on the ecliptic, astrologists insist that all of them...